jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Flash Movie Ideas

Well for this post I was sort of thinking about sharing the ideas for one of the animations I am working on. 
The following is a picture that holds the basic idea of the movie.

In this image, in the movie itself, I am trying for a crayon (drawing) style look. You can't really appreciate in this picture but there is a hint of what looks like crayon in the drawing. The story behind the movie is a joke I have heard millions of times. I really like the joke; even though it’s a number joke I hope that people will like it. I am not going to put any date on the release of the animation but I have to warn it will take some time. Maybe days, maybe months I don't know. 

Next time I'll have that 6th part of the story up.  

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

5th story

Hades let out a fearful squeak, as the he saw what his action had done. The hall of the Olympus had been drowned into darkness. All its inhabitants had, immediately, stopped their voices. Every god stood still as a rock, staring at Hades (whose finger was still pressed on the throne). Zeus, who had grown to the size of a mountain, slowly made his way towards his brother. Hades could not move from fear, “What have I done!” he thought, “I was only trying to get their attention. Surly my own brother would understand that.” The god of the dead slowly raised his head to see if there might be a possibility that he might be spared, “Sure doesn’t look like it” he shouted in his head. The god of lighting suddenly stopped, his now gigantic face stared at his brother. Then his body began to decrease in size, as he did so his face regained its liveliness again. He no longer was the hell-like creature that had made the Lord of the dead scream. “So, what is of such importance, brother, that you had to go as far a touch my throne?”
“Well” said Hades, “I had to get your attention somehow.”
“Good. Well now you have it…”
“Yes, well this Semi-god thingy, it pretty powerful I can see but what does that have to do with us? Other than the fact it had the word god in its name.”
“Well, you see brother; it has long been a popular, but prohibited, activity for the gods to have children mortal women. The children from such an activity are called semi-gods. These children inherit certain abilities and aspects of their godly father and thus can be dangerous. That is why they train for years and years in special camps, so when the time is ready they can go on quests we command. You see, must semi-gods are of good nature but occasionally one of them might start to question us gods. These semi-gods are the most dangerous ones, and normally hold a grudge against us gods. A person that holds powers that near ours and knows all our secrets can be a powerful enemy. And thus, must be stopped.”
Hades stared blankly at his brother, with his mouth wide open. He just couldn’t believe it.  “And who’s is this semi-god?” he asked blankly. Nothing prepared him to what was said next. 

Hey guys, hope your liking the story for now. I've got a few new ideas for the story, but if any of you have any  suggestions please enlighten me. I am now working on a movie (flash movie) it is coming along very slowly though. On my next post I will show some of the ideas behind the animation. 

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Video Time!

Hey, well this is different from what I usually post but well, it has to do with animation. It’s a video I made on a program called After Effects. It a very basic video (5 seconds) but I like it.

With no further ado- Global Warming!

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

4th is here!

Immediately after hearing the news it was as if all the gods in the chamber were punched by some invisible hand. They all abruptly lead back, revealing their astonishment with deep gasps. “By the very Olympus, how could this be...”
“Oh, no!”
“Ahhhhh! We’re all doomed!”
And other such comments sprang from of their mouths. However, Hades, as usual, had absolutely no idea what was going on. He just sat their staring at his nails. A few seconds passed and the cries from the terrified gods were still loud in the air. Seeing as no one tried to soothe the devein beings, Hades, for the first time in his life, stood up and took control of the situation. “Comrades! Partners! Gods of Olympus!” he shouted. This, however, brought no result. So then the ruler of the underworld formulated another plan, one that hopefully would catch their absolute attention. He hurried through the mass of dazzled Gods with great speed; if the gods were this afraid something, whatever it was, was horribly freighting. Thus, time was of the essence. Soon he stood before the throne of the great Zeus, God of the Gods. He then began to execute the first step of his plan. He slowly drifted his, trembling, hand towards the seat of gold. Hades closed his eyes as his index finger softly touched the legendary object. At the exact time he scraped the throne, it all went dark. Hades stood perplexed at the sudden, and unexpected, result. But then, it broke free. Something that made even the lord of hell shriek in fear....
[5th instalment coming soon]
So here was the 4th part of my story. I have a lots of ideas planed for it but, if you guys have any that you might want to share I open to new paths. Anyway, in my earlier post I said that I would post some bi-weekly animation. Well, I am having some trouble with that (partly to the fact that I am new to this whole flash thing). However, I don’t mean I am not going to post any animations I am just saying that they will be less frequent.

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Starting a Habit

As some of you may have noticed (I hope) I haven't been exactly regular with my posts. So as of now I will post something every week. Since I have my pad now I can start doing some short animations. By the way for those who liked the story I will continue it, the weekly posts will alternate in between the animations and the story (and maybe an occasional random post to shake things up a bit). Well, thats all for today... I really hope I can rise up to this task but alas, no worries my friends I will try my best.


Hey how everything going. Well as you may have noticed I didn't post a part of the story today, because instead I am going to... post some jokes! Yeah! Ya I know the idea sucks a little but I just wasn't in the mood to write. So here they go:

Funny quotes:

Oscar Levant
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.

Steven Wright
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?

Homer Simpson
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'

Demitri Martin
I was asked to name all the presidents. I thought they already had names.

Caution dumb blonde joke is coming up, if by any way you may be offended by these kinds of jokes move on to the next one.-

A blonde and a brunette were walking down a sidewalk and the brunette says,"Hey, look it's a dead bird", the blonde looks up to the sky and says, "Where?"

Two blondes had driven across the country to see Disney World in Florida. As they approached it and got onto the final stretch of highway, they saw a sign saying “Disney World Left!” After thinking for a minute, the driver blonde said “Oh well!” and started driving back home.


When I went to lunch today, I noticed an old man sitting on a park bench sobbing his eyes out. I stopped and asked him what was wrong.

He told me, 'I have a 22 year old wife at home. She rubs my back every morning and then gets up and makes me pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit and freshly ground coffee.'

I continued, 'Well, then why are you crying?'

He added, 'She makes me homemade soup for lunch and my favourite biscuits, cleans the house and then watches sports TV with me for the rest of the afternoon.'

I said, 'Well, why are you crying?'

He said, 'For dinner she makes me a gourmet meal with wine and my favourite dessert and then we cuddle until the small hours.'

I inquired, 'Well then, why in the world would you be crying?'

He replied, 'I can't remember where I live.'

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Here's The 3rd

The air was still as if it were dead. Not a sound rode the vast empty chamber. They just stood there staring emptily at each other. Hades, the impatient one of the group, looked around at his comrades. He was bored out of his mind. He wasn’t the type of god that just stood there and did nothing. He was a man (god) of action. Or maybe it was the fact that this was one of the few times he could be out of the underworld and well, he wanted to enjoy it. But he knew he couldn’t just leave the council of gods. Walking out on the gods was not the smartest thing to do; even he knew that. So he just stayed there using all his godly might to resist the overwhelming urge to break the silence. “Uhhh. Why is this taking so long?” He thought. As this last thought left his mind a thunderbolt came crashing down on the polished marble floor. The blast wave, like an angry bull, trampled through the gigantic chamber. Crashing into the spectacular marble columns and bashing it to the enormous golden torches. Now standing were the bolt had once impacted was Zeus, lord of the gods.

“Now, we may begin” he said. He saliently took his seat between Poseidon and Hades. Hermes, messenger of the gods, made a motion suggesting that he had something to say. When seeing this Zeus just bowed his head, giving the winged god permission to speak. As he slowly stood up he began to say, “My fellow gods, I am sure you all know why we are here...”
“No” interrupted Hades thinking it was funny to do so. But Zeus, however, didn’t think the same and without a second thought hurled a lightning bolt at his disrespectful brother. The lightning bolt impacted Hades right in the face, but seemed to do nothing more than silence him.
“Go on” Zeus commanded.
“Well, as I was saying... I hope you are all aware that we’ve got a semi-god gone rouge...”

Well there goes the 3rd part of my first web published story. Hoped you liked it, if you have any comments, questions suggestions, etc. they will be much appreciated. 

Surprise Surprise!?

Well, I know I promised to have a surprise but due to technical problems I could have it ready so I'm going to review a book I read not too long ago.

Is anyone familiar with the Artemis Fowl series? No? There is a total of seven novels (and two graphic novels of the first and seconds’ novels). However, the book I am reviewing is none other than the last (but not final) book if the series- "Atlantis Complex". Throughout the fist books of the saga Artemis Fowl, main character, is depicted as a boy genius. He lost his father at an early age and because of this his mother went nuts. He decided to take on the task of managing his father’s fortune. In the first book he discovers a race of very advanced fairy people that live underground. During the course of the books Artemis scams, betrays and does business with these fairies. Soon enough (after many heart stopping adventures) he befriends the fairies and begins to help them. 

In this particular book Artemis his has developed a project he calls “THE PROJECT.” This project is man’s last hope; the way to save mankind from themselves. However, during the presentation of the project to an elite group of fairly (among them his most, and only, trusted friends) Artemis begins to act a little strange Holy Short (a good friend of Artemis) recognizes some symptoms and comes to a stunning conclusion- Artemis as the Atlantis Complex (multiple-personality disorder). A very serious metal problem that has very dramatic symptoms, for example: an obsession with number (especially hatred of fear of the number 4) and in later stages a whole different personality arises. And to top it all up a fairy Martian probe is on its way to destroy the underwater city of Atlantis! Artemis and his friends (but mostly his friends) must race to worn the ancient city before it’s too late and on the way discover who may have coursed such a mess?

It was a very interesting book. As goods as the other books by Eoin Colfer but, there was just something missing to it. It didn’t give you that mystery style one would expect. The intriguing metal play Artemis would have against the stories villain was missing (probably due to the fact that Artemis was sort of crazy and didn’t help much through the course of the story). However, the action and wit that no other author can accomplish was still there making it not a horrible book but just different. Overall I must say it was not my favourite book from the series but it wasn’t the worst.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Here is the Second installment of The Rebellion of the Gods

And now… the story must go on…
[The Rebellion of the Gods Part 2]

The men in black were still staring, perplexed. “How could this be?” One thought. “A mare mortal disappearing like so? Can’t happen.” But yet it did. One man, the tallest of them all, unable to handle the silence any longer, spoke out in a deep tenor voice, “But alas my mates, shall we just stand here, staring at the empty air? No, we are men of our word; the king hired the twelve best assassins to finish this job and that is what thy king will get!” As soon as the man closed his mouth the crowd lifted up their arms and cheered in approval. And with that, the assassins marched down the dirt path.

Once the black clad men were out of sight, our hero leapt onto the path, only the rustle of the leaves hinted his presence. Crouching, with his hand flat on the ground he stood, he stayed in that immobile position for a few seconds. He stood up, revealing his true height; clenching his fists with force… he vanished with a ‘zap’.  

The assassins marched down the path; a path which seemed to have met no foot in years. In the formation of a single line they walked, on and on down the dirt trail. The tallest assassin, named Uzz, walked in front of the rest,” he, the self-appointed leader would lead these men to victory and riches- yes many riches”, he thought as the intense march continued. Gold, power and such other thoughts occupied his mind to such an extent that that his trained, keen ears strayed from their purposes- he never heard the ‘zap’. {check next week for the 3rd installment of The Rebellion of the Gods}

Hope you enjoyed this second part to my fist story on the internet. For those of you that are really enjoying this story, I communicate to you that it is not over; it is far from over. So see you next time, and if you're lucky with a special surprise.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome to My Blog

Stumbling down the muddy path of the wood was a cloaked figure. Under the heavy rain he could only be recognized as a blur. The soles of his shoes made no sound as they came in contact with the muddy muck. They only true indication of his presence was the sound of the raindrops, heavy as stones, smashing against his filthy cloak. The dark silhouette slowly crept on. Step by step he advanced, slowly but never did he once stop to look back. The weather had not improved much in last few hours. The raindrops seamed to multiply by the minute. The defining sound of thunder reverberating throughout the forest was the only thing that cut the night’s silence.

Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours as the stranger moves on. As the sun rises, its rays give us our first hint about the man’s identity. The sky is beginning to clear, but the forest dwellers are still asleep. Peace once again expands throughout the forest domain. All seems perfect… the snap of a twig, like an explosion, pervades the forest. A dozen men clad in black appear from out of the undergrowth. The cloaked man brakes into, what seems like, a mad dash. Then, was lost in the horizon. His pursuers, who were hot on his trail, stare in amazement still processing the fact that a man, a human being, has just vanished before their eyes…………………… {For the rest of the story read next week’s post}

Hey, what’s up internet users? The name’s ------------- but you can just call me Iggy. This is the first entry to my new blog. In this blog I will post many things, from short stories, like the one above, to some of my flash animations. I will make a post every week but, I can’t promise an animation every week; these things take a long time to make, plus, I am only a beginner. When I mean beginner I mean I suck and that I’m new at it but I still like doing these animations (but don’t expect anything good… yet). If I don’t post a short story or an animation I still will post something, maybe some funny jokes I heard over the week or some funny pictures I found. I may also do some game reviews but, I’m still not sure. Well, I hope this blog goes well… let me know what you think about my blog, comment and make suggestions. Bye, till next week.

P.S. If you really enjoy flash animation you should really check out www.newgrounds.com, it is an awesome website with tons of cool animations, games and artwork all by normal people like me and you (I hope). I really recommend it.

Now enjoy these two pictures:

This something I drew in, like, 10 minutes
 I am no profesional.... o_0

                                           What a nice kitty, he's strangling the little duck