lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Here is the Second installment of The Rebellion of the Gods

And now… the story must go on…
[The Rebellion of the Gods Part 2]

The men in black were still staring, perplexed. “How could this be?” One thought. “A mare mortal disappearing like so? Can’t happen.” But yet it did. One man, the tallest of them all, unable to handle the silence any longer, spoke out in a deep tenor voice, “But alas my mates, shall we just stand here, staring at the empty air? No, we are men of our word; the king hired the twelve best assassins to finish this job and that is what thy king will get!” As soon as the man closed his mouth the crowd lifted up their arms and cheered in approval. And with that, the assassins marched down the dirt path.

Once the black clad men were out of sight, our hero leapt onto the path, only the rustle of the leaves hinted his presence. Crouching, with his hand flat on the ground he stood, he stayed in that immobile position for a few seconds. He stood up, revealing his true height; clenching his fists with force… he vanished with a ‘zap’.  

The assassins marched down the path; a path which seemed to have met no foot in years. In the formation of a single line they walked, on and on down the dirt trail. The tallest assassin, named Uzz, walked in front of the rest,” he, the self-appointed leader would lead these men to victory and riches- yes many riches”, he thought as the intense march continued. Gold, power and such other thoughts occupied his mind to such an extent that that his trained, keen ears strayed from their purposes- he never heard the ‘zap’. {check next week for the 3rd installment of The Rebellion of the Gods}

Hope you enjoyed this second part to my fist story on the internet. For those of you that are really enjoying this story, I communicate to you that it is not over; it is far from over. So see you next time, and if you're lucky with a special surprise.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome to My Blog

Stumbling down the muddy path of the wood was a cloaked figure. Under the heavy rain he could only be recognized as a blur. The soles of his shoes made no sound as they came in contact with the muddy muck. They only true indication of his presence was the sound of the raindrops, heavy as stones, smashing against his filthy cloak. The dark silhouette slowly crept on. Step by step he advanced, slowly but never did he once stop to look back. The weather had not improved much in last few hours. The raindrops seamed to multiply by the minute. The defining sound of thunder reverberating throughout the forest was the only thing that cut the night’s silence.

Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours as the stranger moves on. As the sun rises, its rays give us our first hint about the man’s identity. The sky is beginning to clear, but the forest dwellers are still asleep. Peace once again expands throughout the forest domain. All seems perfect… the snap of a twig, like an explosion, pervades the forest. A dozen men clad in black appear from out of the undergrowth. The cloaked man brakes into, what seems like, a mad dash. Then, was lost in the horizon. His pursuers, who were hot on his trail, stare in amazement still processing the fact that a man, a human being, has just vanished before their eyes…………………… {For the rest of the story read next week’s post}

Hey, what’s up internet users? The name’s ------------- but you can just call me Iggy. This is the first entry to my new blog. In this blog I will post many things, from short stories, like the one above, to some of my flash animations. I will make a post every week but, I can’t promise an animation every week; these things take a long time to make, plus, I am only a beginner. When I mean beginner I mean I suck and that I’m new at it but I still like doing these animations (but don’t expect anything good… yet). If I don’t post a short story or an animation I still will post something, maybe some funny jokes I heard over the week or some funny pictures I found. I may also do some game reviews but, I’m still not sure. Well, I hope this blog goes well… let me know what you think about my blog, comment and make suggestions. Bye, till next week.

P.S. If you really enjoy flash animation you should really check out, it is an awesome website with tons of cool animations, games and artwork all by normal people like me and you (I hope). I really recommend it.

Now enjoy these two pictures:

This something I drew in, like, 10 minutes
 I am no profesional.... o_0

                                           What a nice kitty, he's strangling the little duck