jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Beginning of chapter 2

The sound clashed into him like a giant wave. Hitting him so hard he thought he had felt pain. “But that impossible”, he thought to himself. And as this thought left his mind, so did his consciousness.
Liam’s eyelids gradually cracked open. The sudden encounter with light left him blind for a few seconds. Once his eyes had grown accustomed to the intense light, he surveyed his surroundings. He was now laying on some-sort of bed. It was grand, polished wood 14th century bed. His old cloths were gone, and in their place there were blood red robes, with bright rubies acting as buttons and strips of gold cloth. “This seems like a dream, how could this all have happened? I’m sure I was supposed to be dead.” He then again checked for a heartbeat… nothing, strange. He tried again, but with no other result. This was all too much for him, one second he’s dead, the next he is alive in a king’s bedroom.
A sharp, high pitched sound erupted in Liam’s head. The surprise and agony brought him to his knees, and his had clutched his scalp. The scream did not stop for a few seconds. Once again, Liam opened his eyes wishing he hadn’t. In front of him stood, what could most accurately be described as a breed between a badger and a zombie. The creature, with its single eye, ran a glance over the human in front of him. Then, its jaw, which was a mere bone, dropped and spoke the screeching once again. This time, however, Liam did not perceive it as a lonely scream, it heard words! Language!
“Mazter, can ye ‘ear me?”, it spoke. The accent really startled Liam but recovered fast and responded with a nod. “’K, now follo’ me?” and with that he took off. Liam stood with doubt, but soon convinced himself that he rather follow something that could talk, than of waiting to see what else lived here. As the boy stepped outside the saw that he was in some kind of castle, but did not think much of it for all his concern now was trying to keep up with his guide.
They must have been walking for hours. They halls seemed infinite. Corridor after corridor, they were all the same. To his joy they seemed to be approaching the end of this wild run. They were nearing a large black door, about ten feet tall and five wide, with red and golden carvings on it. Whatever awaited him on the other side of this door was important, he knew that for sure.

This is the beginning of chapter two. The fist parts of the story, a.k.a. The Rebellion of the Gods, is the prologue. The New Story Installments are chapter one, and this is the first part of chapter 2. Enjoy! 


His head, pressured beyond possible limits, throbbed uncontrollably. His limbs shook like wild serpents, flapping around mindlessly. His eyes left the pages of the book. They swirled around his sockets, dazed and flogged by pain. Pain, the horrid creature that at this moment dominated his entire body, could be fought no longer. Liam soon gave into the pain. He let his body plunge into the icy river, suffocating as he went down.
He now stood two feet above his chair, the ancient book hovering near. Liam’s lungs was about to explode, the pain and shock from the experience in its entirety. His organs could sustain life no longer. He managed to fight off the pain just in time to hear his heart miss a beat. A sudden, powerful, wave of intense fear swept over him. Another missed beat. Cold was what now invaded his body. It was after this that the young boy took notice as to what was happening to him. Death’s claws were slowly gashing holes in his life. His soul was being torn from his body by the menacing talons of the dead. Another missed beat counted Liam, “or was this the fourth beat missed”, he thought in absolute terror. Now, there was no turning back, he said to himself. Somehow managing to think past his terror, his thoughts strayed to his family. “What are they to do without me? Will they even miss me?” where some ideas to cross his mind.

One last violent shake and it was all black. Liam opened his eyes, which he had had closed throughout the whole experience, and looked around. There was nothing. Two stray lines materialized in front of him, the slits grew open revealing two eyes, red as blood, cold as the night sky. A thick, inhuman voice resounded throughout darkness.
“Hello, my son”.
[End of Chapter 1]

Hello people of the internet. This, as you may have noticed is the continuation of my prior post. However, something that you don’t know is that I have managed to intertwine both my stories. Yes, remember the story I had given up on well, I have managed to find a way to unite this story with the “Rebellion of the Gods” Chapter one of this new story is basically all my other short section combined into one big one. Hope you continue to in joy my story.

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

A New Story

I have decided to make an new story, and here it is (the beginning at least):

­The street of Willow Drive would have never called weird or different in anyway. Nothing unusual ever happened there. Furthermore, one would go as far as say that nothing ever happened there. A single black lane ran through the center of the street.
White houses decorated the street from side to side, as far as the eye can see. They were the same- large and white square blocks, which rose fifteen feet from the ground. Two widows, like eyes, hung on either side of the brown, hazel wood, door. The front lawn, too, was identical in all houses: the grass cut to an exact measure of one inch and three quarters, a garden of roses, petals sweet and soft, lips of beauty from which crystal-like tears dangled. To the left, a perfectly trimmed tree which would greet all those who entered though the lame, pale stone walkway.
Liam, an average boy by any standard; five feet three inches, hair as dark as the night, rose colored cheeks on which a population of freckles lived. However, if one was took recall anything about the boy, the first image to spring forward would be- his eyes. His family describes them a beautiful, and a gift from above. However, those who have met him say otherwise. These have described them as, dark an infinite but at the same time soft and soothing. Other terms used: peaceful, inert as if unfocused yet concentrated. Those that have seen them closely state that they have seen the devil looking back at them. True or not, that is up to you to decide, but one thing remains a fact- those eyes… are not normal.
The boy sat on the soft cushions by his window. The day was no more normal than any other of the week. The young boy, deeply impressed in his book, took no notice, or at least did not show interest, in what was going on through his window. Outside the rain poured hard, like millions of minute bombs plunging earthwards from the heavens.
The book lay open on his lap, a think, brown book that seemed to have been accumulating dust on a shelf for ages. Its spine, rigged and dark, was the only part of the object that seemed to have had no use. Its spoiled, tanned cover, that held no words, had an air of mystic around it. The same feeling that had led Liam into picking up the book in the first place.
Now, he was sitting down on his chair. His body was hovering over the stained pages. The moony green eyes flew franticly from side to side, absorbing all the details he could. As his interest in the story so did the motion of his eyes, this proceeded over the course of a few minutes. Eventually, Liam’s eyes looked like so no more; they were green blurs. The pages of the book flipped wildly as the blurs scanned them attempting to extract every inch of information possible. His eyes were soon emitting a fait green glow as they moved, and so did the book. Liam did not need to flip the pages any more. Once the pages were completely submerged in the green glow they moved by their selves, moving violently in a fan-like motion. Momentarily, Liam too was concealed in a layer of emerald light. His blood rapidly flowed to his brain. His limb muscles tensed. He bit down on his lower lip. The light seemed to way down on him, the pressure was immense. He felt like he was going to explode.   

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Flash Movie Ideas

Well for this post I was sort of thinking about sharing the ideas for one of the animations I am working on. 
The following is a picture that holds the basic idea of the movie.

In this image, in the movie itself, I am trying for a crayon (drawing) style look. You can't really appreciate in this picture but there is a hint of what looks like crayon in the drawing. The story behind the movie is a joke I have heard millions of times. I really like the joke; even though it’s a number joke I hope that people will like it. I am not going to put any date on the release of the animation but I have to warn it will take some time. Maybe days, maybe months I don't know. 

Next time I'll have that 6th part of the story up.  

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

5th story

Hades let out a fearful squeak, as the he saw what his action had done. The hall of the Olympus had been drowned into darkness. All its inhabitants had, immediately, stopped their voices. Every god stood still as a rock, staring at Hades (whose finger was still pressed on the throne). Zeus, who had grown to the size of a mountain, slowly made his way towards his brother. Hades could not move from fear, “What have I done!” he thought, “I was only trying to get their attention. Surly my own brother would understand that.” The god of the dead slowly raised his head to see if there might be a possibility that he might be spared, “Sure doesn’t look like it” he shouted in his head. The god of lighting suddenly stopped, his now gigantic face stared at his brother. Then his body began to decrease in size, as he did so his face regained its liveliness again. He no longer was the hell-like creature that had made the Lord of the dead scream. “So, what is of such importance, brother, that you had to go as far a touch my throne?”
“Well” said Hades, “I had to get your attention somehow.”
“Good. Well now you have it…”
“Yes, well this Semi-god thingy, it pretty powerful I can see but what does that have to do with us? Other than the fact it had the word god in its name.”
“Well, you see brother; it has long been a popular, but prohibited, activity for the gods to have children mortal women. The children from such an activity are called semi-gods. These children inherit certain abilities and aspects of their godly father and thus can be dangerous. That is why they train for years and years in special camps, so when the time is ready they can go on quests we command. You see, must semi-gods are of good nature but occasionally one of them might start to question us gods. These semi-gods are the most dangerous ones, and normally hold a grudge against us gods. A person that holds powers that near ours and knows all our secrets can be a powerful enemy. And thus, must be stopped.”
Hades stared blankly at his brother, with his mouth wide open. He just couldn’t believe it.  “And who’s is this semi-god?” he asked blankly. Nothing prepared him to what was said next. 

Hey guys, hope your liking the story for now. I've got a few new ideas for the story, but if any of you have any  suggestions please enlighten me. I am now working on a movie (flash movie) it is coming along very slowly though. On my next post I will show some of the ideas behind the animation. 

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Video Time!

Hey, well this is different from what I usually post but well, it has to do with animation. It’s a video I made on a program called After Effects. It a very basic video (5 seconds) but I like it.

With no further ado- Global Warming!

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

4th is here!

Immediately after hearing the news it was as if all the gods in the chamber were punched by some invisible hand. They all abruptly lead back, revealing their astonishment with deep gasps. “By the very Olympus, how could this be...”
“Oh, no!”
“Ahhhhh! We’re all doomed!”
And other such comments sprang from of their mouths. However, Hades, as usual, had absolutely no idea what was going on. He just sat their staring at his nails. A few seconds passed and the cries from the terrified gods were still loud in the air. Seeing as no one tried to soothe the devein beings, Hades, for the first time in his life, stood up and took control of the situation. “Comrades! Partners! Gods of Olympus!” he shouted. This, however, brought no result. So then the ruler of the underworld formulated another plan, one that hopefully would catch their absolute attention. He hurried through the mass of dazzled Gods with great speed; if the gods were this afraid something, whatever it was, was horribly freighting. Thus, time was of the essence. Soon he stood before the throne of the great Zeus, God of the Gods. He then began to execute the first step of his plan. He slowly drifted his, trembling, hand towards the seat of gold. Hades closed his eyes as his index finger softly touched the legendary object. At the exact time he scraped the throne, it all went dark. Hades stood perplexed at the sudden, and unexpected, result. But then, it broke free. Something that made even the lord of hell shriek in fear....
[5th instalment coming soon]
So here was the 4th part of my story. I have a lots of ideas planed for it but, if you guys have any that you might want to share I open to new paths. Anyway, in my earlier post I said that I would post some bi-weekly animation. Well, I am having some trouble with that (partly to the fact that I am new to this whole flash thing). However, I don’t mean I am not going to post any animations I am just saying that they will be less frequent.